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Tutorial: creating a satellite image from Landsat data with Python

Whether it's to study vegetation, assess the Earth's surface temperature, map the effects of a flood or simply to spy on North Korea, there's always a good reason to use satellite data. And that's just as well: many Earth observation programs make their data freely available.

In this tutorial, we'll look at :

  1. How to access data from the American Landsat program

  2. How to use this data to produce a “true color” composite image of the surface with Python

Le résultat final : Paris et la région parisienne vus par le satellite Landsat 8 le 4 juillet 2019
The final result: Paris and the Paris region as seen by the Landsat 8 satellite on July 4, 2019

How do I download Landsat data?

Landsat data can be accessed via the Earth Explorer website. For this example, we'll be looking for recordings made over the Paris region during the summer of 2019.

The Landsat 8 satellite takes 700 images (or “scenes”) a day in several frequency bands, from ultraviolet to infrared, including visible light. It covers the entire planet with a resolution of 30 meters every 16 days... And all this data is available free of charge!

Here's how it works:

  • To start with, you'll need to create an account. You can explore the data without it, but you'll need it to download it at the end.

  • The first tab, “Search criteria”, allows you to select the area of interest. There are a number of ways to do this, the simplest of which is to click directly on the map at the location you're interested in, in our case : Paris.

Téléchargement de données Landsat : sélection de la zone d’intérêt
Downloading Landsat data: selecting the area of interest

  • A little further down in the same tab, you can select the time period you're interested in. Don't hesitate to choose a wide period: the satellite passes by about twice a month, but cloud cover can make some passes unusable. In our case, the selection runs from June 1 to August 31, 2019:

Sélection de la période de temps d'intérêt

  • You can now go to the next tab, “Data Sets”, to choose the data you're going to download. You'll see that the choice is vast... But we're only interested in Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS data:

Téléchargement de données Landsat : sélection des données OLI/TIRS
Landsat data download: OLI/TIRS data selection

  • You can now move on to the next tab, “Additional Criteria”, in particular to automatically reject images that are too swimmable, for example with a coverage of over 20%.

  • Now it's time to move on to the “Results” tab, where you'll find a list of scenes that match your search. You can see the area covered by each scene by clicking on the foot icon:

Liste des scènes et zone couverte par chaque scène

  • If you like the scene, click on the shopping cart icon to add it to your order. Once you've made your selection, click on “Item basket” on the right above the card (you'll need to be logged in and have an account). This will take you to your order summary:

Téléchargement de données Landsat : récapitulatif et confirmation de la commande
Landsat data download: order summary and confirmation

  • Click on “Proceed to checkout”. You will receive a confirmation e-mail and a new e-mail when the data is ready to be downloaded. Don't be impatient: the wait can last several hours...

  • When you receive an e-mail with the subject “USGS ESPA product request order number ************** available for download”, click on the link. On the page, click on the link under “Order ID”. You can then download your scenes one by one by clicking on “Download”:

USGS ESPA product request order number  *** available for download"

Understanding Landsat data

Congratulations, you've downloaded your first satellite data. But what exactly did you get? Let's take a closer look.

Each scene comes in the form of a compressed file of around 400MB. You can decompress this file with Winrar or 7zip, for example.

Once unzipped, you'll find 10 .tif files and one .xml file. The xml file gives you all the information you need about the scene: coordinates, dates, etc.

TIFF files are raster images. Each of these files contains different data. There's no need to go into the details here (if you're interested, you can find them here), just know that :

  • band 2 (the file ending in “band2.tif”) records radiation emitted by the earth's surface at wavelengths between 450 and 510 nanometers, which our eyes would see as blue,

  • band 3 records radiation between 530 and 590 nanometers, which corresponds to the color green,

  • band 4 is located between 640 and 670 nm, i.e. red.

The sum of these three bands corresponds to the spectrum visible to the human eye. Using these three files, we'll be able to construct an image that looks natural to us, rather like what we would have seen from the satellite.

But first, let's try to understand a little better what these TIFF files are. In reality, they're not very exotic objects; you can think of them in two ways:

  • A .tif file is an uncompressed digital image. You can open these files with popular image processing software such as Xnview or paint. In this case, you'll see something resembling a black-and-white image, with light areas representing surfaces that emit a lot in the frequency band you've opened, and dark areas representing those that emit less.

Un .tif ouvert avec paint
An open .tif with paint

  • Another way of looking at it: a .tif file is a matrix or table containing numbers. Each number corresponds to the radiation emitted in the file's frequency band by an area of land measuring 30 meters by 30 meters. The higher the number, the greater the radiation, with 0 corresponding to zero radiation.

Create a natural color image with Python

As we have seen, bands 2, 3 and 4 correspond to light as perceived by our eyes, with blue (wavelengths between 450 and 510 nanometers), green (530-590 nm) and red (640-670 nm) respectively. These data can be used to compose an image close to what the human eye would have seen had it been in the place of the Landsat 8 sensors. This is what we're going to do with Python.

In addition to the great classics, we'll be using rasterio and, above all, earthpy. Earthpy is a library developed by the University of Colorado that will greatly simplify the manipulation of our data.

import os
from glob import glob
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import rasterio as rio
import earthpy.spatial as es
import earthpy.plot as ep

The first step is to retrieve the list of images for the different frequency bands and sort them, so that the visible bands are in 2nd, 3rd and 4th position in the list.

#Folder where data is stored
path = os.path.join("data")

#Create list of paths to .tif files to be used
bandeliste_landsat_data_band = glob(path + "/*band*.tif")


We're now going to “stack” the data for each frequency band into a single file. It's as easy as pie, thanks to earthpy :

#Name and location of the file to be created
stack_path = os.path.join("data", "stack.tif")

#Creating and saving the raster
es.stack(liste_landsat_data_band, stack_path)

Note that we could have taken only the 3 frequency bands we're interested in. But we may need the other bands later: now that our global file is saved, we can use it without going through this step again.

You can even delete the original data, to give the hard disk some breathing space:

#Deleting original data
for f in liste_landsat_data_band:

The next step is to open the file just created with rasterio :

#File name and location (a priori unchanged)
stack_path = os.path.join("data", "stack.tif")
with as src:
    raster =

The final step is to create an image from the visible strips. Here again, earthpy makes the operation incredibly simple:

            rgb = (3, 2, 1))

The rgb argument corresponds to the bands to be used in the order red, green, blue. These are the 4th, 3rd and 2nd bands, but as indexing starts at zero: rgb = (3, 2, 1).

A few additional arguments may be useful:

  • title to add a title

  • figsize to set the image size

  • stretch = True to correct brightness

For example:

            rgb = (3, 2, 1),
            stretch = True,
            figsize = (79, 80),
            title = "Ile de France\n(Image composite, Landsat)")

And here's the job:

Image en couleur naturelle avec Python (.tif)

Obviously, on a scene measuring 185 kilometers by 180, you can't see much at first glance. You can save this image and zoom in on the points that interest you, for example :

L’aéroport d’Orly entre l’autoroute A6 et la Seine
Orly airport between the A6 freeway and the Seine River

Les boucles de la Seine et le Vexin, Gisors au nord, Mantes-la-Jolie au sud
The loops of the Seine and the Vexin, Gisors to the north, Mantes-la-Jolie to the south

La forêt de Fontainebleau
The forest of Fontainebleau

You can probably already see the applications that these images can have in regional planning, the monitoring of major infrastructures, agriculture or forestry, and certainly in many other fields... And we've only used 3 of the 10 data files available: a lot of information is still untapped!


About: Callendar is a start-up specializing in the development of innovative solutions for climate risk assessment. Aware of the challenge of adapting to climate change, we strive to share our expertise through free tools and tutorials like this one.

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